Nice things someone said about me
- Susan B

You’ve been chasing the success of your community or your company.
You have always put your partner and family first.
You’re so busy worrying about other people’s opinion of you that you’ve forgotten who you are and what you stand for!
And you worry that this is your lot.
“No one will support me”
“Who am I to want to achieve more?”
“I have more than most. I should be grateful.”
“What if it all goes wrong and I lose everything I have?”
“My friends and family just won’t get it!”
At some point you stopped putting yourself first. Maybe this was your first not-so-healthy relationship. Maybe your parents never quite understood your intuitive soul. Maybe you were never modelled worth as a child, so you spent your professional career working all hours to PROVE you were worthy!
You start the day the only way you know how. Coffee after coffee, substituting any will to live. “Just one more coffee and I can make it through”, you think.
By the time 5pm rolls around, you’re ready for a glass (or 4) of wine before bed.
You don’t know how to destress anymore.
Numbing your mind seems to be the only way to get some resemblance of sleep.
As your head hits the pillow the hamster wheel begins, “why didn’t you?!”, “You should have..” “We must..” “You’ll never succeed if you don’t!”
The only way to stop the racing mind is a few choice beverages. The morning after symptoms are the lesser evil compared to another night of restlessness!
You want to find balance in your life! You set great hefty goals to “finally” put yourself first, only to find yourself procrastinating with any task available. Avoiding the one thing you KNOW will begin to create who you were meant to be from the pieces of who you are.
You crave boundaries! You are constantly saying “yes” when your body is screaming “no”. But every time I think about turning someone down you are filled with fear. The limiting beliefs come flooding in! Loneliness knocks on your soul and you once again find yourself saying “yes”.
You want some clarity! You know that you are here to experience more life than THIS! But you have no idea what or how. You thought you’d have it figured out by this age. You want abundance in love, joy and money. You want the confidence to finally say no!
You know that you won’t find the answer in self-help books (because you own hundreds).
You know that therapy can take you so far but your soul needs more than clinical guidance!
You’ve listened to thousands of podcasts but still can’t figure out HOW to make and change. And you have no idea how to MAKE THE CHANGE STICK!
You’re done with drowning your sorrows in 8 hour Netflix binges, Ben and Jerry’s and wine fuelled tears.
You know that you’re ready to feel enough!
This is not about your health, your bank account or your relationship.
This is not just about your emotional or spiritual health.
We focus on each aspect of your life, and how they intertwine to make you the person you are!
I’ll be there to guide you through conversations with your inner critic and help you identify the limiting beliefs that have been keeping you stuck! This program will inspire and empower you to turn within, prioritize self-care, and guide you into a transformational change that promotes confidently living the abundant life you desire.
Because, not too long ago, I was you. I was a lifelong people-pleasing workaholic. My obsession with saying yes when I wanted to say no left me facing all the things I never wanted to face. I was chronically sick, in an unfulfilling career, and pair that with an extremely unhealthy relationship to boot. I was suffering with panic attacks. I was constantly exhausted. I would break out in hives and my hair would fall out in clumps.
I visited the Doctor's only to leave feeling like there was just one more person who didn’t want to listen to me. Another example of being not “worthy” enough to get the support I so desperately craved. Instead of trying to figure out the root cause of my symptoms, I was given a prescription for an antidepressant, a sleeping pill, or sometimes both.
As I began to dismantle the life I had created, I began to identify one common factor that underlined all my ailments: stress. Once I identified the aspects of my life causing me stress, I began to come unstuck in the best way!
Through the lenses I had chosen. Not those that had been assigned to me by society.
And that is the exact journey I will guide you through.
Without the guesswork.
Without the hours of google searches.
Without 40 free masterclasses that don’t actually help you achieve your goals.
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- Susan B
- Fernando
- Cat
- Luke
To step away from the “shoulds” and “meant tos” in life for the final time!
In this program I walk you through holistic, logical and stacking strategies to truly unlock the life you deserve.
The one you know is out there.
Together we will deep dive into what has been keeping you stuck. We will identify the stories that are shaping your current reality, dismantle their fear based lies.
You will create the space to hold new stories as true, and begin to empower yourself to move forward. These stories will identify your fears, blocks and survival mechanisms that are manifesting as your current situations.
Techniques will include: Mindset journaling - Guided meditations - Routine creation
We will create your rules for life. The boundaries of how you expect to feel and be treated at all times! (P.S. this includes by yourself too!) You will deepen your connection to your intuitive self through self-care, dedicated time to learn and grow, strategies to allow you to feel through your emotions rather than BEING your emotions.
We will identify the root causes of your stress and anxiety! This step is monumental in your journey. Be ready to see HUGE shifts in step three.
You will learn how to optimize your relationship with stress by honoring (not suppressing) your emotions. You will learn stress processing techniques that will allow you to build a level of resilience and a strong foundation to transform your life.
We will create an action plan of small daily steps that become the catalyst to your new abundant life. You will connect deeply to your physical body through mindfulness, somatic therapy and the psychology of the chakras.
You will begin to practice life holistically, learning to zoom out and see the bigger picture.
We will create the lasting foundations for the next phase of your life. You will learn the cultivate a deep and meaningful connection with your spiritual health.
Your connection will begin to guide you effortlessly to a more aligned life.
You will dive deep into where your uniqueness lies and how this plays into your true purpose.
1 x 60 minute in depth discovery and goal setting call to kick start your transformation
11 x 50 minutes 1-to-1 coaching calls
Healing modalities customized to support your unique journey. (Reiki/Hypnotherapy, EFT, meditations, essential oil recommendations, etc..)
Unlimited Voxer access in between calls (M-F 9 to 5)